Pass the Patent Bar with



These books don't tell you how to pass the patent bar, but they are the best books we've found on how to file and prosecute patents.


If you're studying for the patent bar but have very little background in the basics of patent law this book will quickly give you the overview you need. Intended to help inventors file their own patent, it's written for the masses and starts from the very beginning. It gives a complete overview of each piece of the patent filing process. It's very useful to learn the terminology. I used it to understand how international filing worked and to get an overview of the various continuation options before I studied the MPEP material in depth.





If your studying for the Patent Bar, you must be planning to go into the IP business. These are the critical texts listed in order of importance. As you can see, they tend to be expensive!


This book provides complete instruction on how to professionally draft an application. It is written in very clear language. Each topic is in bite size pieces which makes it very easy to follow.



The strength of this book is how to reply to office actions. Included are CD's which are organized by each type of rejection and contain citations and reply's in word format which can be copied and pasted into your reply to an office action .




The trickiest part of the business. This is the bible on claim drafting.


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